Peep Door Hanger
Peep Door Hanger
Welcome Peeps wooden door hanger for your front porch decor.
Welcome Peeps door hanger measures 18 inches which is the prefect size for the front door. The round back piece has shiplap lines on 1/2 inch thick pine. The design is laser cut from 1/4'' Baltic Birch plywood.
The sign is 2 pieces the back piece is natural with no paint or stain. Peeps are painted in Spring colors. Welcome Peeps is painted in grey. All pieces are glued and nailed to the back board. Tied with jute twine for hanging adorn with a color coordinating bow.
Select your color of your door hanger:
Pastel Colors or Bright Colors
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Easter Door Hanger, Wooden Welcome Sign, Peeps, Spring, Easter, He Is Risen, Easter Decorations, Bunny Door Hanger